The Last Hotdog Stand 

Is a simple puzzle game for the Game Jam 2024, with the theme given as Last Stand.

First time making a game with Godot. Was regretting during the first day, for not learning it before joining the game jam. Luckily, it doesn't have a high learning curve and managed to get used to it on the 2nd day.

Initially planned to do a 5x5 board, but reduced to 4x4 board due to time and idea constraints.

While its a simple one, I do hope people will have fun with this game!


  • WASD/Arrow keys to move the character and the map
  • Q/E to toggle between character mode and map mode
  • Click the icon on the inventory panel to use the item
  • Spacebar to continue the dialog


Change Logs


  • Fix pressing multi movement keys at the same time, would cause the map tiles to swap places. (reported by HxdDev)
  • Improve (?) the hotdog stand image. (feedback by abdo97z)


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Great game I really liked it. Great future ahead


I just tried your game, here is my feedback :)

- The game has beautifull art work, I really like the asset you used. the only point about this is for the hotdog cart, its style doesn't match the game art, its color is not coherent.

- The UI is simple but it is sufficient even though I think it could be better :)

- The game idea is great, I am really impressed because this is so creative! I like it.

- For the game design, I think it would be great if there is a gradation in difficulty curve, so players get used to the gameplay  and get confidence to continue the game. But the game already has a single level which is somehow complicated :)

Overall, it is a good game, and even the points I mentioned are neglectable if we take on count that this is a gamejam with a dead line!

Great job, mate :)

Thanks for your feedback and your kind words!

I must admit that I had put lesser effort on the arts and UI.